13 years ago today is when it all began. My mind keeps wandering back to our wedding day. It was a beautiful April day (even though it had snowed the day before and again the day after). When Jeremy arrived at my house to drive down to Salt Lake, he was in a panic because he'd forgotten to bring his ring so we drove back to get it and made it to our wedding breakfast at the Lion House a little late. After eating with friends and family we went across the street to the temple and had a beautiful wedding ceremony and a reception in Layton later that day. What I keep thinking is that way back then I would never have guessed that 13 years later I'd be raising four kids and living in Chicago! We never know what lies up ahead for us. We've been through some really hard and stressful times and had a lot of fun and excitement also. If I had my life to live over again, I wouldn't change a thing about our marriage. There is no one else I'd rather be going down this road with!
We celebrated our anniversary in February with a trip to Mexico so we're not doing anything special or exchanging gifts today, but I did make a list to give to Jeremy and I want you all to see what a great person he is.
What I love about Jeremy
1. He's patient with me.
2. Plays with our kids.
3. Works hard to provide for us.
4. Does the dishes on Sunday.
5. Supports my hobbies.
6. Honest
7. Great back rubs!
8. Puts family first.
9. Good with the deacons.
10. Smart.
11. Is respected at work because of how he acts.
12.He understands where I'm coming from.
13. Enjoys the outdoors.
14. Forgiving.
15. Involved in our children's lives.
16. Likes cooking with me.
17. Shares my dreams
18. Tries to make me laugh.
19. Let's me have a break when I need it.
20. Fun to play games with.
21. Humble enough to admit when he is wrong.
22. He apologizes when he needs to.
23. Fair.
24. Always tries to better himself at work.
25. Likes to learn.
26. Good Kisser!
27. Tries hard to keep promises.
28. reliable.
29. Shares his day with me.
30. Says nice things about me when I'm not there.
31. Teaches the kids to respect their mother.
32. Respects his mother.
33 Gives credit where it is due.
34. Gives me more credit than I deserve.
35. Likes to try new things.
36. He has a wealth of knowledge.
37. Still a kid at heart.
38. Responsible.
39. Can function on very little sleep.
40. Cheerful in the morning.
I love you Jeremy!!!
Books Reviewed in 2020
4 years ago