Tuesday, October 6, 2009

And They're Off!!!

Hip-Hip-Hooray!!! After such a fun-filled summer I was very ready to send the kids back to school and get back to a schedule. They are all doing very well in their classes so far. Savannah is in 5th grade, Alex is in 3rd and Micah started all-day Kindergarten. I was a little worried that Micah would be grumpy and tired after school for a while, but he gets on the bus with a smile and still has a smile on his face when he gets home! He also begs me to give him homework. Wonder how long that will last : ) And now I think I'm caught up on all of our happenings! (Except for the ballet recital video's that I still need to post!)

Savannah 5th Grade

Alex 2nd Grade

Micah Kindergarten

St. Louis

A friend of mine invited me to go with her to the Shaklee conference in St. Louis. When she asked me I happened to be having a bad day with the kids and she could have asked me to go away to a poop convention and I would have agreed as along as it meant a few days off from the "mom gig"! We had a blast! I'd been using Shaklee products for a while and I think the company and their stuff is amazing. It was great to hear all of the science behind their products and to
get a better feel for the company. After I got home I joined Shaklee so that I can start earning my products for free! It has been a bit of a roller coaster so far but I've really been enjoying learning all about nutrition and how to help the human body to be healthier! If you want to know more about it, I have a website. Check it out! www.greenandhealthylife.myshaklee.com

After several nights of staying up way too late and then getting up really early I was in desperate need of coke. St. Louis, however seems to be a coke free city. Pepsi everywhere. But NO COKE!!!

Here is a sample of my fabulous shoes and all of the foot care paraphernalia that goes along with them. I really like to get dressed up!!

Me, Chrissy and Cathy on our final night.